The windowway spell is a space-type spell used in the windowway that opens a gateway between two distant locations.
The base windowway spell contains an outter ring of lightning bolt-shaped signs, and an inner ring of signs which appear similar to directonal, pointing in the opposite direction. Oftentimes, windowways will contain a symbol which seams to corespond to the location the windowway links up with, but it is unknown whether this symbol is simply an indicator or actually part of the spell. The spell is subject to a high degree of variability, as each windowway is unique as to avoid linking to the same place. The spells can't be used unless there is a pair.
The spell was first seen when Qifrey was showing a windowway to Coco, and later that day for Qifrey to visit the Great Hall, and Coco to visit the Dadah Range for The Consent of the Crown. They are later used to transport the members of Qifrey's atelier to the site of a bridge collapse, to take The Sincerity of the Shield, send Euini and Alaira to safety, visit the Great Hall again, and other uses.