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 Independent Witch Hat Atelier Wiki

The Guardian of the Tower of Tomes

The Guardian of the Tower of Tomes is a magical creature that lives in the lake around the Tower of Tomes.


The Guardian is a giant water serpent with fish-like traits such as fins and scales, and arthropod-like traits such as numerous eyes and a mouth with articulated parts[1]. Little is known about it aside from its appearance and the fact that the serpents serve as a barrier to those that want to access the Tower of Tomes. There are two of them in the lake[2] and they seem to notice intruders (which includes witches attempting to reach the Tower) via scent.[3]

It is later revealed during the final night of Silver Eve that The Guardian is a type of magical Monster. As the former Wise in Friendship Engendale explained to Qifrey, witches in the era before the Day of the Pact used magic to fuse different animals together to create something new.[4] When humans were a participant in that fusing experiment,[5] the resulting creatures became destructive and beyond control, and came to be called Monsters.[6] The Guardian's image was included among other examples in Engendale's speech about this.[6]


The guardian appeared briefly for the first time when Qifrey was showing the Tower of Tomes to Coco.[7]

Later, he appeared with his full body for the first time Coco had used a windowway to travel to the Tower of Tomes, but before she could enter, the guardian tried to eat her, but Qifrey managed to rescue her just in time. Eventually the duo were finally able to escape.[1]

Image Gallery[edit]

Qifrey and Coco escaping the guardian of the tower


  1. 1.0 1.1 Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 37, Page 24
  2. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 38, Page 5
  3. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 37, Page 9
  4. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 68, Page 1
  5. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 68, Page 17
  6. 6.0 6.1 Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 68, Page 2
  7. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 2

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BrushbuddyBuffashoalCordfishDragonDrizzlebeeEldroxenFlying ShrimpFrillramLiongoatMolewyrmMonsterMyrphonOwlcatParasol JellyPegasusQuadryphonRhinoceroxRoaming Scallop ShellsScalewolfSinsingerThe Guardian of the Tower of TomesUnknown CreaturesValance LeechWhirlfuzz SwineWhiskercat