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 Witch Hat Atelier Wiki

Officially named[edit | edit source]

Image Name Description

Column[edit | edit source]

Column causes the magic of its glyph to manifest in a column or beam above the glyph. If the signs aren't balanced (radial symmetry doesn't affect this), the spell will manifest in the direction with the most signs[1]. The shorter line on the sign typically faces outwards,[citation needed] and while it is sometimes shown inverted, it is unclear how this changes the effect.

Dispersion[edit | edit source]

Dispersion causes the magic of its glyph to pour or "disperse" out. It has many similarities to column, with it essentially being a column that just leaks its magic out instead of shooting or beaming it in a certain direction. Both it's normal and inverted varations have been seen, with the difference in their effects being unclear.

Levitation[edit | edit source]

Levitation causes the spell's magic to float above the glyph, or causes the movement of the object it is drawn on. If the latter, the movement depends on which direction the signs point. The pointed, arrow-like side of the sign typically faces inwards.

Pull[edit | edit source]

Pull causes anything that is the same as its magic (water, air, fire, etc) to be pulled towards the glyph when the arrow portion of the sign is pointing inwards, and will also cause it to be pulled in in a twisting motion if the signs are angled. It is likely that if the sign is inverted, it would result in a push rather than a pull.

Crush[edit | edit source]

Crush will either cause objects to disintegrate or come back together, at least when paired with an earth sigil (though only temporarily). As the sign has only been seen paired with earth, it is unknown what will happen if paired with another sigil.

Float[edit | edit source]

Float will make the object it is drawn on float in midair, regardless of gravity. Some instances of the sign were replaced by levitation in the official version, but float is still used in some spells, such as dancing lights and floating expansion, with the sole function of making objects float rather than it's more varied ability before it was retconned.

Region[edit | edit source]

Region determines where magic will manifest in relation to a glyph. For instance, if the region signs within a glyph point all to the same side of the spell, the magic will shoot in that direciton. Similarly, if all of the region signs within a spell point inwards, the magic will only manifest within the ring of the glyph, and if they all point outwards, the magic will manifest outside the ring while not taking effect at all within the bounds of the glyph. Interestingly, if region signs are arranged so that they are pointing towards one another, both towards the center and exterior of the glyph in opposition to one another, the magic will pour only only manifest directly on the ring of the glyph, as can be seen in floating drops spell.

Convergence[edit | edit source]

Convergence causes the magic of its spell to become more focused, centered down to a single point. It can also make loose particles become more rigid, as explained by the disciples of Qifrey's Atelier when they were designing the serpent's bed of sand, saying that it would cause the sand the spell produced to become hard and compact. One of the triangle's points is typically seen pointing inwards.

Collection[edit | edit source]

Collection will collect material (and possibly magic) located above and around the glyph, allowing it to be used by the spell. The open side is typically seen facing inwards.

Billow[edit | edit source]

Billowconverts material into a fluffy cloud that is apparently extremely comfortable to sit on[2]. Collection is needed to collect and convert certain materials into clouds, but there seem to be some materials that cannot be converted. Similar to repetition, billowing can take the place of a sigil within a spell. Its only appearance has been within the Dragon's Bed of Clouds, so the exact details of how it works aren't quite clear.

Repetition[edit | edit source]

Repetition continually resets objects affected by the spell to their previous state, essentially rewinding time. This can be used to keep food from rotting and even to clean clothes, not to mention many other uses it has. Interestingly, this sign can often take the place of a sigil within a spell, and may even be one itself.

Weave[edit | edit source]

The weave sign (also known as ribbon) can turn solid objects affected by the spell into long, flexible ribbons upon contact with the glyph. It was invented by Richeh and is used in her ribbon spells. This sign is supposed to surround the central sigil.

Cool[edit | edit source]

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Strengthen[edit | edit source]

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Sights Set[edit | edit source]

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Entwine[edit | edit source]

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Sign of Wind[edit | edit source]

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Aeriforms Defined[edit | edit source]

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Glaives[edit | edit source]

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Unfficially Named[edit | edit source]

Image Name Description

Diamond[edit | edit source]

Diamond can be found within the spell of reduction used on the period piece contraption, which uses an inverted enlarge sign to make nearby objects shrink. By comparing this spell to the floating expansion spell, which also contains an enlarge sign, it is possible to isolate diamond's effect. Most likely, diamond will cause a spell to only affect nearby objects while not affecting the object the spell is drawn on.

Window[edit | edit source]

Window can be found at the center of the floating expansion spell[3], which makes use of an enlarge sign to make the object it is drawn on grow in size. By comparing this spell to the spell of reduction, which also contains an (albeat inverted) enlarge sign, it is possible to isolate window's effect. Most likely, window will cause a spell to only affect the object it is drawn on.

Enlarge[edit | edit source]

Enlarge will cause objects to grow in size (or shrink if inverted). Whether it causes a change in size to just the object it is drawn on or just to objects nearby is seemingly controlled by the presence of either a window or diamond sign respectively. It causes objects to either grow (corners point outwards) or shrink (corners point inwards). A sign may or may not be needed, but it would have to be placed in the center regardless.

Crosshair[edit | edit source]

Crosshair is a component of the rainflinger glyph. It has 3 likely functions: either to cause things of the same magic aspect to disappear, to make it so magic only manifests inside of objects with the same magic aspect as it, or to create an area of effect within which a its spell's magic will manifest.

Radial[edit | edit source]

Radial is a component of the snugstone spell. While it's exact function is unclear, it likely serves to decrease the power of the spells it is used in, such as converting fire into heat.

Bolt[edit | edit source]

Bolt is a component of the water bolt spell. It causes the magic of its spell to manifest in the form of bolts-like projectiles. When paired with a region sign, which controls the spell's direction, the projectiles will be shot with dangerous speed.

Eye[edit | edit source]

Eye is a sign that has only been seen three times; twice within variants of the gathering shadows spell (in Sasaran's cloak and Euini's mirror mantle), and once more as a component of the spell on the makeover mask. In tandem with the vision sign, eye seems to have some form of effect relating to the formation of illusions and the manipulation of light. What eye does on its own, however, is unknown, as it has never been seen in isolation.

Vision[edit | edit source]

The vision sign has been seen four times in total; twice within variants of the gathering shadows spell (in Sasaran's cloak and Euini's mirror mantle), once on the light-reducing spell from Qifrey's glasses, and a final time within the makeover mask spell. When paired with eye signs, as is the case in gathering shadows and the makeover mask spell, vision seems to have the ability to create illusions. However, when vision is separate from the eye sign, as is the case in Qifrey's glasses, it can be used as a component in spells intended to aid in sight. While it's exact function is unclear, its usage strongly suggests some form of relation to visual perception and sight.

Bend[edit | edit source]

Bend is a sign that has been seen in a number of spells, including gathering shadows, petrification, and possibly paired with weave to form a compound sign within the wall bend spell. When combined with eye and vision, bend will make things disappear into a pitch black shadow. In wall bend, its possible pairing with weave may suggest that within this spell, it is somehow is meant to make walls more pliable. Petrification has too much going on to say for sure what purpose bend may serve within itself, but between the three spells, the most obvious theme is some form of "bending or altering of reality." Weather that be bending vision for gathering shadows, physical objects for wall bend, or reality itself for petrification, all three spells seem to change the structure of things around them in some way. It is impossible to say for sure what this signs does as of current, but a common theme seems to exist.

Rain[edit | edit source]

Rain cause's its spell to produce an effect very similar to rainfall down into its immediate area. It may be limited to only water spells, but it would likely work with other sigils such as fire or light to create firework-like effects, or possibly even generating a lava rain with a pairing of fire and earth. This sign is meant to surround the central sigil, which is placed in the empty space at its center.

Bird[edit | edit source]

Bird is a decorative sign that creates a bird-like projection made from the glyph's magic which will fly around for a while. It's only been seen once within the bird of light beacon spell,[4] The front portion of the spell may or may not be a separate sign entirely. The design was changed in chapter 28[5]. Ideally, the spell's sigil should be placed in the center of this sign.

Puppet[edit | edit source]

Puppet is highly unusual, appearing to be the only sign (aside from sights set) that allows one to control a spell with their mind. More specifically, puppet seems to allow a "user" (possibly either the person who drew or last touched the spell) to control the movement of the object it is drawn on. The nature of this movement seems to be dependent on the sigil of the spell. For example, wind-based puppet spells, such as the flying puppet of diversion and cloak spell, only seem to be capable of arial movement. While it is never stated, directly or otherwise, that puppet spells move in accordance with the user's mind, there is strong circumstantial evidence to support the idea. For example, Sasaran was able to maneuver his cloak with incredible accuracy and precision during his fight with Qifrey.[citation needed] With his cloak lacking any visible controls through which this could be explained, it is reasonable to assume that he piloted it using his mind. Interestingly, the sealchair, which is similar to Sasaran's cloak in that it lacks visible controls yet can still be operated with clear precision and intent, features a number of signs on its underside which closely resemble puppet.[6] It is possible that these are variants.

Bind[edit | edit source]

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Orb[edit | edit source]

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Link[edit | edit source]

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Decorative Signs[edit | edit source]

Image Name Description

Bird[edit | edit source]

Bird is a decorative sign that creates a bird-like projection made from the glyph's magic which will fly around for a while. It's only been seen once within the bird of light beacon spell,[4] The front portion of the spell may or may not be a separate sign entirely. The design was changed in chapter 28[5]. Ideally, the spell's sigil should be placed in the center of this sign.

Animal Signs[edit | edit source]

The Animal Signs are a collection of different signs that mimic the appearance of animals from the Zozah Peninsula. These signs have no practical utility, so their general use as signs are in decline, since they are only used as a hobby or decoration.[7]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 3, Page 16
  2. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 6, Page 23
  3. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 37, Page 28
  4. 4.0 4.1 Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 11, Page 8
  5. 5.0 5.1 Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 28, Page 10
  6. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 43, Page 1
  7. Witch Hat Atelier Manga: Chapter 58, Page 19

Site Navigation[edit | edit source]

v  e
Arcane Lens of AmplificationBeast Warding TowerGloves of Curious StrengthGlowstone PathGuidance OrbLink RingsLoop ChaliceMagic CookpotMakeover MaskMirror Cloak of BorrowshadePalm Dragon TeacupPhantasmal FireballPouch of CallingQifrey's GlassesRaincleaverSilver-White Capture PennantSnugstoneSplit-Shard BanglesSylph ShoesToilet of the VoidVapor BubbleWashing BarrelsWindowway